Can Unionrise I&E provide canvas painting kit for kids installation video?
Of course. If you prefer the canvas painting kit installation steps explained in the form of a video, Ningbo Unionrise I&E Co., Ltd.would love to shoot an HD video to give installation guidance. In the video, our engineers will firstly introduce every part of the product and tell the formal name, which enables you to have a better understanding of every step. The explanation on the product disassembly and installation procedures are necessarily involved in the video. By watching our video, you can know the installation steps in an easier way.
Unionrise I&E is acknowledged as a prestigious Chinese manufacturer. We are indulged in designing, manufacturing, and exporting oil painting starter kit. Unionrise I&Efocuses on providing a variety of craft stickers for customers. Unionrise oil based paint is produced after several stages. It has to go through a mining process which includes the ore crushing, grinding, and refining. It is non-toxic and poses little threat to human beings as well as pets. The performance of this product is assured by your QC team. The colorants meet the same requirements as food, drug, and cosmetic colorants.
We insist on continuously improving the quality of ceramic paint sets. Please contact.
Unionrise I&E is acknowledged as a prestigious Chinese manufacturer. We are indulged in designing, manufacturing, and exporting oil painting starter kit. Unionrise I&Efocuses on providing a variety of craft stickers for customers. Unionrise oil based paint is produced after several stages. It has to go through a mining process which includes the ore crushing, grinding, and refining. It is non-toxic and poses little threat to human beings as well as pets. The performance of this product is assured by your QC team. The colorants meet the same requirements as food, drug, and cosmetic colorants.
We insist on continuously improving the quality of ceramic paint sets. Please contact.
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