A Professional Manufacturer Of Craft Kits For Kids, Kids Paint, Art Materials


Fundraising During The Holiday Season

by:Unionrise     2020-07-31
Most schools are always in need of some extra cash. There are many fundraising ideas for schools that can help to fund projects, activities and items that the students need. One of the best times of the year to raise additional money is during the Christmas season. Most people are preparing to celebrate the holiday with their families and are grateful for what they have during this time. It is at this point of the year that many look for ways to help others and to give back to their communities. There are many creative approaches that will easily bring in the necessary cash and these can also be a fun learning experience for students. Having children design holiday cards to sell is one great idea. Artwork created by children has a nostalgic feel and it is usually done in bright vivid colours which catches the eye. The parents of the artists will of course be enticed to purchase a few packs, but these sweet greeting cards will have a wide appeal among many adults. They also serve a practical purpose by filling the need to purchase cards to send holiday wishes to family and friends. Creating a Christmas play is another option. Children can perform a short skit in costume and sing a few carols. Money can be made in several ways such as charging for admission and selling refreshments such as drinks and light snacks. Recordings of the play can also be made and sold to those who wish to purchase a copy. Often, a professional videographer will donate their services for school functions such as this. Knickknack items can also be offered for sell during the event such as ornaments created by students in their art class. Novelty gift items can be a big hit. There are many companies who offer such items as fundraising ideas for schools. These items such as key chains, photo frames and bumper stickers with the schools' colours and mascot can be purchased in bulk and sold at local craft fairs or businesses. Or, if it is preferred, customers can order from a catalogue and have the items delivered by students once they are received. These items make great gift ideas but are also often purchased as mementos and keepsakes. Another good idea during the holiday season is to offer gift wrapping paper, boxes, bows, ribbons and decorations. These items are easy to sell as they also fulfil a holiday need and will undoubtedly be purchased somewhere. To add even more fundraising possibilities consider setting up a booth inside the school or a local business to offer gift wrapping services. The thought of beautifully wrapped gifts in a variety of colours and varying patterns will appeal to many people especially when they can get everything wrapped at once and in one place for a small donation.
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