Mother's Day 2024
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Holiday Crafts The Whole Family Will Love
The holidays are the perfect time for friends and family to get together. Fun and useful, holiday crafts are something that everyone can participate in.
Valentine's Day Craft Ideas
Celebrate the holiday of the heart with easy and fun to do Valentine's crafts. A hit with the younger crowd, you can try a color your own puzzle activity. Each 12-piece puzzle is like a blank slate that kids can decorate using heart-shaped stamps, markers, paints, heart-shaped stencils, glitter and more. Afterwards, you can have everyone put together their puzzles and enjoy what they've created.
Keep a photo of a loved one or of a fond memory in a paper mache heart picture frame. Personalize this rectangular photo frame with heart shaped inset by using paint, decoupage, stencils and other items. Your activity group can then give away their frames to their valentines, or keep it for themselves and place a special photo inside.
Decorating a box for Valentine's Day just never gets old. Take a plain cardboard box and cut a slit out of the top. You can either choose white boxes or wrap your boxes with paper. Everyone can use heart-shaped stamps, foam heart cutouts, ribbon, pipe cleaners and more to create a fun holder for all of their valentines. Be sure to have everyone make a sign to attach to their box so that you can tell them apart.
Easter Craft Ideas
You can do more than simply color eggs this Easter with your friends and family. Easter holiday crafts provide a great family activity and produce decorations that kids and adults alike can be proud of. One craft idea young ones can really enjoy at parties or family gatherings is decorating a stuffed rabbit doll. Made of soft tan muslin fabric and lightly stuffed, these rabbit dolls can be dressed up in doll clothes and can even be painted with fabric paints or markers. You can purchase doll hair and other accessories like sunglasses and miniature Easter baskets that can be glued on. Many children love the thought of creating their very own Easter bunny!
Another fun Easter craft idea is making your own spring wreath to hang on the wall or your front door. First, you'll need some sturdy wire that can be cut and easily formed into a circle and won't lose its shape over time. Next, pick out some pretty silk flowers - roses and daisies are a popular option - in bright pastel colors, perfect for Easter. Combine these with plastic ivy strands, weaving them together on the wire circle. As a finishing touch, pick out some painted wooden eggs that feature decorations and secure them to the wreath with a strong craft glue, and voila: You have the perfect Easter wreath that everyone can enjoy. If you'd like to add even more, be on the lookout for plastic baby's breath flowers and faux decorative grass strands. Children may want to add glitter or stickers to their wreaths as well.
Memorial Day and Fourth of July Craft Ideas
Show your pride while bringing together friends and family for Memorial Day and Fourth of July crafts. One popular craft idea is to create a patriotic garland that you can string up around your patio for the barbecue (or wherever it is that you'll host your celebration). You can choose to use white or colored lights that shine out red, white and blue - or you can keep your garland rustic and simply use wire. Use plain wooden ornaments in the shape of flags, stars and hearts that everyone can paint. If you'd rather use vintage-style metal ornaments, that's fine too. Make sure you buy plenty of hanging hooks and craft glue. For the final result, string up your garland in the order that you desire, and hang for all to see and appreciate.
As American as apple pie, the figure of Uncle Sam will bring another element to your Memorial Day/Fourth of July decorations. To make an Uncle Sam bobble head, begin by wrapping two feet of craft wire around a marker into a tight coil, leaving one end straight with an inch or so to work with. Set this coil inside a plastic container, and pour in about a fourth cup of clean uncooked rice, and around one and a half tablespoons of glue on top. Let this dry overnight to create a firm bond. Attach to the straight end of the coil a round Styrofoam ball to create a head. This will serve as the foundation for your bobble head; the rest is easy. Simply accessorize with felt Uncle Sam hats, cut out shirts from fabric, and draw on the face with markers. Spend time with loved ones while finishing your holiday decorating with fun and playful crafts.
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