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New Year Gifts for Young Girls
Young girls have many different interests and tastes that it might seem a hard task to find gifts for girls in this age group. Take a look at some gift ideas that are certain to be appreciated and enjoyed by young girls of various ages and maturity levels.
Giving young girls gifts that encourage them to engage in exercise and be more active yet also be fun is a good ideas. You can give them sport equipment such as bikes, rollerblades, jump ropes, scooters to enable young girls to develop more of their physical talents. Young girls might also appreciate mini-trampolines, carpet skates and Nerf balls for winter days.
To appeal to the more imaginative side of young girls, gifts of building toys such as Kapla blocks, Legos and K'nex dolls (for the pre-teen and teenager) and stuffed animals, dress-up items and dollhouses (for younger girls) also be highly appreciated. Since horses are a favorite among some young girls, model horses and accessories are usually well received.
Young girls also like to be creative and artistic and enjoy working with a variety of materials. Therefore, one of gift choices for them is bead kids, jewelry making kits, simple kits for sewing and small looms. You can easily find them at any toy, craft stores and even department stores.. One pre-caution to take when purchasing this kind of gift is to check the recommended age group for the craft item to make sure that it is appropriate for the young girl who is to receive the gift.
You could also give young girls practical gifts. Every young girl usually goes through a stage in her life where she finds nothing to where in her closet so a gift of some awesome clothes that are in vogue at the moment are sure to please. Ask her best friend what she would like so as to make sure that she will actually the item of clothing. Add in a few accessories that she might not otherwise think of buying for herself.
Some young girls are more on the intellectual side and would prefer a good book, whether it is a novel or work of non-fiction. Books can be in electronic or non-electronic format these days and the latter are ones that can be savored and enjoyed for many years. As with clothes, however, check with a friend or parent to determine what type of book or author would appeal to her the most.
Other gift ideas on the intellectual side include science kits, telescopes, puzzles, ant farms and butterfly houses. These might be of more interest to pre-teens who are curious about the world around and want to see nature up close or challenge themselves.
Finally for the teenager who is up to her ears in electronics and inseparable from her cell phone, a new electronic gadget or speakers for her flat screen television might be greatly appreciated. Even that new cell phone upgraded she has been eyeing might be just the ideal gift.
Have others New Year gift ideas for young girls? Share them with us!
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