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Prague Holidays For Kids

by:Unionrise     2020-06-29
Prague, a city in Europe is famous for its heritage, art and culture. Also known as 'city of hundred spires', Prague is favourite destination of tourists of all ages! Grandparents and kids in the family equally love to spend the holidays in Prague. Prague has risen to fame also as 'fairytale city'. You will be surprised to know how beautifully the ancient castles, bridges over rivers, colorful gardens, lush green hilltops, churches, cathedrals and red rooftops of the houses in the city paint a picture of a fairy tale. Visit Prague along with your kids and enjoy the spellbound beauty of nature bestowed upon the city. Stay at cozy hotels in Prague such as Pension Dientzenhofer, a Baroque town house in the cobblestoned Mala Strana. Those located near river also prove to be great to stay in. To explore this scenic city, rent a car in Prague. It will offer you a chance to roam in and around the city with your own pace and according to your choice and interest. If you want to avoid crowds and hustle of the buskers and souvenir sellers, visit the tourist attractions during early morning and spend the afternoons in gardens and parks situated nearby. You can also take along your favourite sandwiches or lunch if you want! Start the journey from the city center stretching from Prague Castle and the hills to centuries' old ancient buildings in old town. Visit Prague's zoos, Sarka nature preserve and Vltava River where kids can enjoy rides in paddleboats. You and your kids will never forget the time spent at botanic garden's tropical greenhouse, and a visit to Prague Castle. The hands-on open-air museum in Ostra and a short train ride from Prague can be enjoyed by everyone. Explore local markets, museums in Prague with your kids. Introduce them to Prague's folk art, lifestyle of Czech people and a 'medieval' rope maker, a potter, a blacksmith, and a weaver at Heritage Village. Go to shops that sell 'Marionette' the world famous Czech puppets. Kids will fall in love with those famous characters such as gray-green pond troll Vodnik, who keeps the souls of the drowned in jars. Visit Strahov Monastery where you get to see the amazing frescoed ceilings that date back to the 18th-century. Here kids get excited to see the golden safe in which Copernicus's heretical book was once kept locked. So, what are you waiting for? Book Prague flights and explore this historic city with your kids. They will love such a wonderful, fun-filled plan of holiday for sure!
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