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Protecting Kids From Environmental Pollution

by:Unionrise     2020-06-28
'Oh! Please help me out... I can't breathe and my kids are also suffering from the same... It makes me cry to see my children suffering like this... I know that they are responsible for their own misery, but being a mother I can't see my children in this condition... Someone must have come forward to make them understand that they are the creators and destroyers of their own world... They must know the value of preserving the Mother Nature... Every year, my children inhumanly cut thousands and thousands of trees without giving a second thought about the consequences. The industrial revolution, the atomic researches, the use of plastic products and most importantly the destruction of the forests have made the world a smoky and polluted place... This pollution is not only creating health problem for my children, but is also making me internally weak and wretched... Because of this, my surface is warming in a rapid pace which may bring severe consequences in the near future... I went through a very critical stage during Bhopal Gas tragedy and generations of my kids suffered from that for decades... This may happen again if my kids won't realize the importance of protecting the Mother Nature and Earth....' The environmental pollution is impacting every generation of people now a day. In the metropolitan cities, the situation is quite critical. Every year, the car manufacturing companies sell million cars and as a result the number of vehicles on the roads is gradually increasing. This contributes a lot in polluting the environment with different kinds of gases that are dangerous for the health. The worst sufferers of this pollution are the children and the aged people. The rates of asthma patient are increasing rapidly; even children are also carrying inhaler in their school bags. Though different NGOs and international organizations are working efficiently to maintain a balance in the environment, but developing a conscious group of world citizens has become the prime importance of the hour. Moreover, the parents also need to be conscious so that a healthier world can be given to the children. Following ways may help the parents to protect their children from environmental risks:- Wash floors and window sills to protect kids from dust and peeling paint contaminated with lead - especially in older homes. It is ultimately up the citizens of the world to make it a place worth living and to offer our kids a safer and happier world.
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