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The 5 Most Necessary Jewelry Supplies For The
When you first consider making your own jewelry you will need certain jewelry supplies. Tools, as well as beads, stringing material, and clasps will be part of your 'kit.' All of these things are available to you from many sources, but the best place to get your materials will be online. Here is a basic list of things you need to purchase before you get started.
Jewelry Making Tools
You can't make anything without the right tools. There are some multi tools which offer you pliers, crimping tool, cutter, and so forth all in one little package. They are okay to start with, but you will need to move up to task specific tools fairly quickly. Tools aren't particularly expensive unless you get into casting metals.
Your best bet is to pick up a set of beginner tools which come together and is the best quality you can afford. That would include round nose, straight nose, bent nose, and flat nose pliers, and a flush cutter. You can add a cup burr, an anvil, a hammer, and so forth if you get more serious.
To work with beads, you need to have beads. Once again you can purchase a basic selection of color coordinated beads or you can pick and choose, ordering strands according to your preference. The advantage of jewelry making kits which offer coordinated beads is that they will all go together nicely. They also tend to be less expensive and not as fancy.
You can even purchase individual, custom made beads. The sky is the limit in both selection and price, but you want to start out with a reasonable quantity so you can make several projects.
If you plan on making necklaces, you will need a few pendants. These are generally purchased on an individual basis. Think about what you want to make, which beads you plan to use, and then select the pendant that will be the focal point of your work. Alternatively, go the other way - pick your pendant first and then coordinate the beads to that selection. Again, the selection is only limited by your budget.
Clasps are not quite as varied as beads or pendants. You will find about two dozen types, although each will be made from a variety of materials; stone, metals, and wood among them. Fit the size of the clasp to the type of jewelry you are making. For example, a large, bulky necklace will look best with a large clasp and something which is fine and delicate should be matched to a small clasp.
Stringing Materials
Your choices when it comes to stringing include line, cord, leather, chains, silk, wires, and more. To truly explore the medium of jewelry making you will want to invest in a collection of different materials. Wires can be used to wrap stones as well, so having some on hand is always a good idea.
In addition to the basic five supplies, you will also need some split rings, spacers, crimps, and head and eye pins. You may be able to get them in a mixed assortment.
That is all you need to start your adventure in jewelry making. Jewelry supplies are easy to find and cheap versions are frequently available craft stores. For better quality and lower prices look online instead. The Internet is where you will find all of the materials you need as well as some of the most unique and beautiful, one-of-a-kind items.
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