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The Essential Facts on How to Shrink Fibroids
Are you curious about the claims being made about dissolving uterine fibroids with an enzyme supplement? Having an understanding of how enzymes work and how to use them is critical to finding success with this easy, natural approach.
Systemic Enzyme Therapy is one of the least known natural treatment approaches to fibrotic disease. Since it is estimated that the majority of women in the U.S. have fibroid tumors, I hope to raise awareness of Systemic Enzyme Therapy so that women who have to seek treatment are empowered with more choices.
While many are familiar with taking digestive enzymes at mealtime to improve digestion, systemic enzymes have a different focus. As the name implies, these enzyme formulas are designed to work throughout the body's system. They are taken in divided doses between meals so that the protein eating enzymes (proteolytic enzymes) are not expended with the task of digesting food and can enter the bloodstream where they travel to every area of the body, seeking and dissolving old proteins, parasites, bacteria, viruses and dead cells. They reduce systemic inflammation, dissolve arterial plaque, cleanse the blood and improve circulation.
Systemic enzyme formulas can be highly fibrinolytic, meaning that they dissolve fibrin. Fibrin is the material of fibroids and all scar tissue. Specific enzymes such as serrapeptase are responsible for the digestion and shrinking of fibroid tumors. Most women realize a reduction in the size of their fibroids by the first eight weeks. Two to six months is the common report for the duration of Systemic Enzyme Therapy.
Most alternative, natural approaches to treating fibroids focus on radical diet and lifestyle changes. They also incorporate multiple herbal and nutritional supplements to slowly bring the body's hormones back into balance thus stopping the growth of fibroids. However, it is astonishing how most of these programs omit Systemic Enzyme Therapy. While these approaches can cut off the excessive estrogen that feeds the growth of the tumor, the tumor will shrink and wilt like a flower but still remain in the uterus. Fibrinolytic enzymes are the only thing on the planet than can dissolve the fibrin that composes fibroids and scar tissue.
While most women with very large fibroids (the size of a grapefruit) will likely choose to undergo surgery, women with uterine fibroids that are smaller in size can take advantage of the speed that Systemic Enzymes offer in shrinking fibroids. Generally, the larger the fibroid, the longer the duration of Systemic Enzyme Therapy.
The success of Systemic Enzyme Therapy for uterine fibroid tumors depends upon:
1. Selecting a systemic enzyme formula that is potent, survivable in the GI tract and high in the fibrinolytic enzyme, serrapeptase as opposed to nattokinase. The latter enzyme has been found to pose a high risk of thining the blood too much. There are huge differences in systemic enzyme products on the market. Most are practically worthless. There are a few professional strength products that really work.
2. Consistent, aggressive dosing three times per day. Enzyme formulas that are all plant-based do not stay in the bloodstream very long. Strict dosing schedules must be adhered to in order to maintain a therapeutic level of enzymes in the blood. Commonly, women who try and fail at Systemic Enzyme Therapy for fibroids take only the minimum dose. Most products do not explain the importance of finding an activation dose. This is done by steadily increasing dose after the first week of use. As an example, some women may remain on three capsules three times per day as directed on the label when their therapeutic activation may not occur until they have increased the dose to nine capsules three times per day! Activation is realized when bowel activity is increases dramatically, heat is felt at the sites of old injuries or scars, or other less definable but noticeable changes occur in the body's function. In other words, you begin to tell something is happening. There is no adverse effect from taking large amounts of enzymes; they are non-toxic, native to our body and impossible to overdose.
3. Locating systemic enzyme formulas that have the animal enzyme, pancreatin (pharmaceutical grade bovine pancreatin) in its formula can be difficult but well worth it. The addition of pancreatin multiplies the potency of the formula as a whole. The result is that as few as three caplets are required daily, and rigid dosing schedules are not as critical since such formulas allow enzyme levels in the blood to remain for over 18 hours after dosing.
4. Drinking larger amounts of pure water to assist in eliminating the large amounts of waste that enzymes remove from the body.
To learn more about using systemic enzymes to dissolve your fibroids and locating a professional strength formula with or without pancreatin, see the resource box below.
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