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The Wonderful World of Custom Jewelry Design

by:Unionrise     2020-06-12
There are many categories in the world of custom jewelry design to explore and enjoy. Many of them are manageable by anyone with basic crafting skills. More advanced techniques may require specialized equipment and training. Here are 5 ways you can customize jewelry from start to finish. Make Custom Clay Beads Custom clay beads are relatively easy to make and are constructed from polymer clay before being baked in your oven. They can be as simple or as complex as you desire. Some techniques render beads that are indistinguishable from glass, stone, and other materials. Learning all the different methods of clay bead sculpting can take years, but that is part of the fun. The beads you make can be used in a variety of applications and the colors run the gamut from fashionable to funky. Enjoy Custom Jewelry Kits Jewelry kits are nearly a dime a dozen, but customizable kits are much more fun. You can get online and tailor make a kit for a specific project, purchase kits designed for multiple pieces, and even pick up all the tools you need to make your new accessories. How much you invest in your kit will depend upon factors such as the quality and number of beads, what sort of pendant or special stones you pick, and so forth. Purchasing a kit reduces the number of decisions you need to make, and the results are pretty much bound to be great. Wire Wrapping Wonders If you love stones in jewelry, learning to wire wrap is essential. The selection of wires is sensational and includes many different metals and diameters. Stones of every shape and size, from everywhere around the world, can be adorned this way and then used in creating earrings, pendants, and more. Wire can stand on its own or be further enhanced by metal-smithing techniques you can learn online or in person. Glorious Glass Beads Making your own glass beads will take a bit of effort, some additional supplies, and ready access to glass canes. Murano beads are perhaps the most famous variety of such jewelry staples. Also called lampwork beads for the way they were originally crafted, it is relatively easy to learn how to make your own and the materials you need are readily available and affordable. Furthermore, you can expand into all sorts of glasswork from here. Online Jewelry Making Tools One way to enjoy a little bit of many different types of jewelry making is to make use of online jewelry making tools. Some of the best software will let you pick and chose different materials, from pendants to chains, earring bases to bracelet clasps, and put them together virtually. The real advantage here is that you can craft exactly what you want and saving it between sessions online. When your piece is perfect, you can order it as a kit or have it made by a professional. Making your own jewelry from start to finish gives you are real appreciation for the art. Custom jewelry design is a process, and no matter what the medium, it starts with an idea. If you have concepts for pieces of jewelry you want to own floating around in your head, it is time to give it a try. You can find everything you need online, and the prices can't be beat.
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